Tag Archives: Autodiscover

Office 365 Groups not showing up in Outlook 2016

I have had this annoying issue with Office 365 Groups (Groups, not Teams). In our IT team we have several Office 365 Groups. Some users do see these groups in Outlook 2016 almost immediately, other users do not see anything (I’m in this group). When I select Browse Office 365 Groups in Outlook, I see an error message saying We can’t show you group right now. Make sure Outlook is connected and try again as shown in the following screenshot:

we cant show you right now

In Office 365 Teams there are the HiddenFromExchangeClients and HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled properties (see the Hiding Office 365 Groups Created by Teams from Exchange Clients article from Tony Redmond for more information) , but this is only Office 365 Groups and not an Office 365 Team. And both properties are set to FALSE, so this is not the case.

I am using Office 365 ProPlus Click-to-Run which checks Exchange Online first for Autodiscover purposes, but then I realized I had been experimenting with some registry keys to change Autodiscover behavior. When checking the registry, I found the ExcludeExplicitO365Endpoint DWORD set to 1 as shown in the following screenshot:


So, Autodiscover checks on-premises Exchange server and is redirected to Office 365 for Exchange Online information. Unfortunately, this does not retrieve any information regarding Office 365 groups. After changing this value to ‘0’, Autodiscover starts with Office 365 and does retrieve the correct Office 365 Groups information.

Related to this, there are also scenarios where Outlook does not detect Office 365 groups using Autodiscover where the (primary) SMTP address of the Office 365 group is not correct. For example, where the SMTP address of the group is (for example) IT-Calendar@contoso.com. You can change the primary address of the group using the following command in Exchange Online PowerShell:

Set-UnifiedGroup Alias -PrimarySmtpAddress IT-Calendar@contoso.mail.onmicrosoft.com

Or when you want to add the SMTP address as a secondary address:

Set-UnifiedGroup IT-Calendar -EmailAddresses @{add="it-calendar@contoso.mail.onmicrosoft.com"}

This should also solve the problem.

Event ID 1 MSExchange Autodiscover

Recently I had to install an Exchange 2016 CU16 server as part of an Exchange 2010 migration project. When the server was running as I started moving mailboxes to it, I noticed an increasing number (linear to the number of users it seems) of event ID 1 MSExchange Autodiscover errors in the Application Eventlog of the server:

Event ID 1 MSExchange Autodiscover

Unhandled Exception “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”
Stack trace: at Microsoft.Exchange.AutoDiscoverV2.FlightSettingRepository.
GetHostNameFromVdir(ADObjectId serverSiteId, String protocol) at Microsoft.Exchange.AutoDiscoverV2. AutoDiscoverV2.ExecuteOnPremEndFlow(AutoDiscoverV2Request request)
at Microsoft.Exchange.AutoDiscoverV2.AutoDiscoverV2.Execute (AutoDiscoverV2Request request, ITenantRepository tenantRepository) at Microsoft.Exchange.AutoDiscoverV2.AutoDiscoverV2HandlerBase.<>c__DisplayClass11_0.b__0() at Microsoft.Exchange.Common.IL.ILUtil.DoTryFilterCatch(Action tryDelegate, Func`2 filterDelegate, Action`1 catchDelegate)

This issue was resolved in Exchange 2016 CU15 en Exchange 2019 CU4, but occasionally pops up in newer versions, and unfortunately on my Exchange 2016 CU16 server.

Although I don’t know the cause of this the workaround is simple. Set the ExternalURL property of the Autodiscover virtual directory, like this:

Get-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory -Server | Set-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory -ExternalUrl https://autodiscover.contoso.com/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml

This was (is) a known issue at Microsoft and I brought this again to their attention. When something develops, I’ll update this blogpost.

Autodiscover in an Exchange interorg migration with Quest QMM

Outlook clients get their configuration information using the Autodiscover protocol from the Exchange server where their mailbox resides and the underlying Active Directory. This works fine, until you are in an interorg migration scenario using the Quest Migration Manager (QMM) for Exchange.

When using Microsoft tools (ADMT, Prepare-MoveRequest.ps1 and New-MoveRequest) the source Mailbox in Exchange is converted to a Mail-Enabled user at the moment of migration finalization. At the same moment the Mail-Enabled User property targetAddress is stamped with the SMTP address of the Mailbox in the new forest. SMTP works fine now, and also Autodiscover will follow the SMTP domain that’s in the targetAddress property. This is true for an interorg migration on-premises, but it is also true when moving Mailboxes from Exchange on-premises to Exchange Online in a hybrid scenario.

When using Quest tooling things are a bit different. The source Mailbox is not converted to a Mail-Enabled User, but it continues to exist at a regular Mailbox. The Outlook profile on the desktop is converted using the CPUU tool using local Autodiscover.xml files so that the Outlook client no longer connects to the old Mailbox but to the new Mailbox.

This works fine for the existing client, but when a user gets a new laptop, or has to configure the Outlook profile again, Outlook will use the Autodiscover process and thus connect to the old Mailbox. Since this isn’t converted to a Mail-Enabled User, Outlook will find the (old) Mailbox, it will stop searching (and thus will not follow the targetAddress property) and return the configuration information for the old Mailbox.

To fix this, we have to export the Autodiscover information from the new Exchange organization to the old organization. I found an old blogpost written by Andread Kapteina (Senior Consultant at Microsoft) in the Google cache (since his blogs no longer exist at the Microsoft Technet Site) about this scenario in an interorg Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2010 migration, but I found that it is also valid in an interorg Exchange 2013 to Exchange 2016 migration. And it should be valid in every interorg Exchange migration from Exchange 2007 and higher.


To export the Autodiscover configuration from the new Exchange 2016 to the old Exchange 2013 organization, execute the following commands on the Exchange 2016 server:

$OldCred = Get-Credential OldForest\administrator
Export-AutodiscoverConfig -DomainController <NewForestFQDN> -TargetForestDomainController <OldForestFQDN> -TargetForestCredential $OldCred -MultipleExchangeDeployments $true

The -MultiplExchangeDeployments options should be set to $true since both forests contain an Exchange organization.

The Exchange Management Shell does not report anything back, so no need to show it here 😊

When we look in the AD Configuration container we can now see two SCP records:

  • One record can be found under CN=Services, CN=Microsoft Exchange, CN=<Organization>, CN=Administrative Groups, CN=Exchange Adminstrative Groups (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT), CN=Servers, CN=<ServerName>, CN=Protocols, CN=Autodiscover, CN=<ServerName>. This will contain the regular SCP information that Outlook needs to connect to the existing Exchange organization to retrieve its information.
  • The second record can be found under CN=Services, CN=Microsoft Exchange Autodiscover, CN=<FQDN of new Forest>. This will contain information regarding the target (i.e. new Exchange 2016) forest that the Outlook needs for migrated Mailboxes.
    This second record can be seen in the following screenshot:

CN=Microsoft Exchange Autodiscover

The keywords property of the SCP record contains the Accepted Domains of the new Exchange 2016 organization, like Exchangefun.nl, Corporate.Exchangefun.nl and target.qmm (the Quest target domain). This means when a new Accepted Domain is added to Exchange 2016, the Export-AutodiscoverConfig command needs to be run again.

The serviceBindingInformation property contain an LDAP link to the Exchange 2016 forest where Outlook clients can find information from the migrated Mailboxes.

Granting permissions

To avoid issues with Outlook clients of not migrated Mailboxes (that need to retrieve information from the old Exchange 2013 organization) we have to hide the exported SCP for these users. At the same time, we have to hide the original SCP record in Exchange 2013 for Mailboxes that have been migrated to Exchange 2016 (and where Outlook should NEVER receive old Exchange 2013 information).

To achieve this, create a Universal Security Group with a name like “Migrated_Users”, remove the Authenticated Users group from the exported SCP and grant the Migrated_Users Security Group Read permissions on this object as shown in the following screen shot:

Remove Authenticated Users

At the same time we have to grant an explicit deny Read permission to the Migrated_Users Security Group on the original SCP record as shown in the following screenshot:

Explicit Deny


Now when a Mailbox is migrated using QMM and the CPUU tool, add the user to the Migrated_Users Security Group. At this moment its Outlook client will no longer find the original (Exchange 2013) SCP record but the exported SCP record. Outlook will then connect to the target Active Directory forest with Exchange 2016 and retrieve the correct information.

Note. It took us quite some time when testing this scenario with different versions of Outlook (2010, 2013 and 2016) but the scenario explained here turned out to be working fine with these versions. But please test in your own test environment with various clients as well.

More information


SSL Certificate warning during or after Exchange server setup

When installing a new Exchange server (2013/2016/2019) in an existing environment, Microsoft recommends installing this new Exchange server in a separate Active Directory site, configure the server there and then move the server to its production Active Directory site.

The reason for this is Outlook and the Service Connection Point (SCP) in Active Directory. Somewhere during the installation process a new SCP is created in Active Directory, but when created it is not configured and points to the FQDN of the Exchange server instead of the more general Autodiscover.contoso.com/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml URL. When an Outlook client accidentally discovers this unconfigured SCP it will try to connect to the new server instead of the Autodiscover FQDN which will result in a certificate warning message similar to the following:


To avoid this, the SCP should be configured as soon as it is created in Active Directory (and this is during setup itself).

Tony Murray, also an MVP, has written a PowerShell script (Set-AutodiscoverSCPValue.ps1) that will check the existence of the Exchange server object in Active Directory, and when it is created by the Exchange setup application, it immediately sets the correct Autodiscover value in its SCP.

When you run the script it will check every 5 seconds (time is configurable) for the newly created server object, and when it finds it, it will set the correct value as shown in the following screenshot:


From this moment on Outlook client can safely discover this SCP record, and it will be automatically connected to the correct Autodiscover URL and therefore the SSL Certificate warning will not appear (assuming the original servers are configured correctly of course).

More information and download – https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/office/set-autodiscoverserviceinte-3930e163

Improve autodiscover performance

Autodiscover can be a lengthy process, especially if you are in a hosted environment or if your mailbox is in Office 365.

The autodiscover process consists of five different steps, it depends on your environment where autodiscover stops and returns the information. Autodiscover is using the following mechanisms:

  • Service Connection Point (SCP) in Active Directory. This is used by domain clients.
  • Root domain discovery, used by non domain joined clients or clients not being able to access Active Directory. All other steps are used by these clients as well.
  • Autodiscover.contoso.com (standard autodiscover mechanism)
  • Autodiscover redirect to autodiscover site (often used by hosting companies)
  • Autodiscover SRV records in DNS (sometimes used by hosting companies)
  • Autodiscover redirect to Office 365 (outlook.com)

If your mailbox is in Office 365, outlook will go through all these steps until it finds the information in Office 365. All steps will fail with the accompanying time-out and this will take quite some time. This can be seen in the Outlook Test Email AutoConfiguration option:


Continue reading Improve autodiscover performance