Tag Archives: OAuth

Microsoft Teams and Exchange 2016

Microsoft Teams works best when your mailbox is in Exchange Online, and you have a license for SharePoint Online, and you have OneDrive for Business enabled.

When you have your mailbox in Exchange on-premises your options are limited, you have basic Teams functionality like audio/video and files, but that’s basically it. Not a trace of the calendar or the option to manage meetings in Teams. This is what ‘cloud partners’ have been telling me for a long time: “no, you must migrate your mailbox to Exchange Online” (and we can help you with that I was they were thinking…)

Teams with Exchange on-premises

But, if you have Exchange 2016 CU3 or higher things get better (I’m sorry if you are still running Exchange 2010). To enable the integration of Teams with on-premises Exchange 2016 you need to configure OAuth in your on-premises environment as outlined in my previous blog, and assuming you have Exchange hybrid configured of course.

When you have OAuth configured, Teams can access the on-premises mailbox on behalf of the user that’s logged on in Teams, making it possible to retrieve the user’s calendar. After configuring OAuth and without any additional configuration in Teams the user’s on-premises calendar (here in Exchange 2019) automagically appears:

Teams with Exchange on-premises OAuth

In the Teams client this is a view of your calendar, and using the new meeting option you can create new Teams meetings, invite people, set recurrence, select a channel etc. Invites are sent to other recipients using the regular Exchange process, and when accepted a response is sent (or not) back to your inbox. I never knew this was possible, but this is cool stuff.

Teams with Exchange on-premises new meeting

Integrating the calendar into Teams is a nice addition and it can help users with their daily productivity task. From a compliance perspective things are a bit different. Chats for example are not stored in the user’s mailbox, this is only possible for mailboxes in Exchange Online. The process responsible for copying Teams chat data from the Azure storage (outside of Office 365) simply cannot access the folder in the user’s mailbox.

But, for on-premises calendar integration in your Teams environment this is very nice.

More information

How Exchange and Microsoft Teams interact – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/exchange-teams-interact

Configure OAuth authentication between Exchange and Exchange Online organizations – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/configure-oauth-authentication-between-exchange-and-exchange-online-organizations-exchange-2013-help


Configure OAuth authentication in Exchange 2016

As long as I can remember the Hybrid Configuration Wizard finishes successfully, and itgenerates the error about the OAuth portion of the hybrid configuration.

Configure Intra-Organization Connector

HCW8064 – The HCW has completed, but was not able to perform the OAuth portion of your Hybrid configuration. If you need features that rely on OAuth, you can try running the HCW again or manually configure OAuth using these manual steps.

The Learn more option redirects to the Microsoft page Configure OAuth authentication between Exchange and Exchange Online organizations. I used that article for the PowerShell commands in this blogpost.

OAuth is used cross-premises to logon to other services, on behalf of the user. So, if you are logged on to some Microsoft service, this service can use OAuth to access services in Exchange on-premises and vice versa.

Example of these cross-premises services are:

  • Message Records Management (MRM).
  • Exchange in-place eDiscovery.
  • Exchange in-place Archiving.
  • Teams calendaring.

The HCW can configure Azure Active Directory for OAuth authentication, it can create the IntraOrganizationConnectors, but it cannot export and import the (self-signed) certificate on the Exchange server, nor can it (or does it) create the authorization server objects in Active Directory. So, time to test, guided by the Microsoft article and write down my experiences.

Note. This only works for Exchange 2013 and higher, I have been working on this in a mixed Exchange 2016 and Exchange 2019 environment.

Configuring OAuth between Office 365 and Exchange Online involve a number of steps.

Create Authorization server objects in Exchange on-premises

To create the authorization server objects in your on-premises environment enter the following commands in the Exchange Management Shell.

New-AuthServer -Name "WindowsAzureACS" -AuthMetadataUrl "https://accounts.accesscontrol.windows.net/contoso.com/metadata/json/1"
New-AuthServer -Name "evoSTS" -Type AzureAD -AuthMetadataUrl https://login.windows.net/contoso.com/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml

Your verified domain contoso.com (in the command) should be something like exchangelabs.nl, and not <your tenant name> as outlined in the Microsoft article.


Enable the partner application for use with Exchange Online

The partner application was created in the previous step (the first command) and this should be enabled. Do this using the following command in Exchange Management Shell (on-premises):

Get-PartnerApplication | ?{$_.ApplicationIdentifier -eq "00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000" -and $_.Realm -eq ""} | Set-PartnerApplication -Enabled $true

Export the Exchange authorization certificate

Authentication cross-premises is using certificates, so the on-premises certificate needs to be exported to Azure Active Directory. In case you were wondering where the CN=Microsoft Exchange Server Auth Certificate certificate was coming from when running the Get-ExchangeCertificate command in Exchange Management Shell, here you go.

Use the following PowerShell commands and store them in a PowerShell script called ExportAuthCert.ps1 or something and run it. This should export the OAuth certificate to a file called OAuthCert.cer.

$ThumbPrint = (Get-AuthConfig).CurrentCertificateThumbprint
If((Test-Path $ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE\OAuthConfig) -eq $false)
$oAuthCert = (dir Cert:\LocalMachine\My) | ?{$_.ThumbPrint -Match $ThumbPrint}
$CertType = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType]::Cert
$CertBytes = $oAuthCert.Export($CertType)
$CertFile = "$env:SYSTEMDRIVE\OAuthConfig\OAuthCert.cer"
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($CertFile, $CertBytes)


Note. The Export-ExchangeCertificate command doesn’t work in this scenario since the self-signed certificate isn’t exportable.

Import the Exchange authorization certificate into Azure AD

The next step is to import the OAuthCert.cer certificate into Azure AD. Connect to the Microsoft Online service (Connect-MSOLService, if you don’t have this installed you can use the Install-Module MSOnline command) and run the following commands when connected:

$Cred = Get-Credential
Connect-MSOLService -Credential $Cred
$CertFile = "$ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE\OAuthConfig\OAuthCert.cer"
$objFSO = New-Object -ComObject Scripting.FileSystemObject
$CertFile = $objFSO.GetAbsolutePathName($CertFile)
$CER = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate
$binCert = $cer.GetRawCertData()
$CredValue = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($binCert)
$ServiceName = "00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000"
$P = Get-MsolServicePrincipal -ServicePrincipalName $ServiceName
New-MsolServicePrincipalCredential -AppPrincipalId $P.AppPrincipalId -Type asymmetric -Usage Verify -Value $credValue

This will import the self-signed certificate from the Exchange server into Azure AD so it can be used for mutual authentication.

I did not run the commands mentioned above on my Exchange server but on my Azure AD Connect server since the MSOL module was loaded on that server. For importing the certificate file I had to use the following command accessing the certificate file (instead of the $ENV:System variable):

$CertFile = "\\AMS-EXCH01\C$\OAuthConfig\OAuthCert.cer"

Register endpoints in Azure Active Directory

The last step is to register the endpoints of your on-premises Exchange environment into Azure Active Directory. You can use the following commands to register the endpoints:

$ServiceName = "00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000";
$x = Get-MsolServicePrincipal -AppPrincipalId $ServiceName;
Set-MSOLServicePrincipal -AppPrincipalId $ServiceName -ServicePrincipalNames $x.ServicePrincipalNames;

Instead of webmail.exchangeserver.com and Autodiscover.exchangeserver.com you must use your own local FQDNs of the Exchange server (shown below in the verification screenshot).

You can use the the following command to check if this was configured correctly.

Get-MsolServicePrincipal -AppPrincipalId 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000 | select -ExpandProperty ServicePrincipalNames

As shown in the following screenshot:

Register Endpoints

Note. Over the years I have run the HCW several times. Domains have been added, but not (automatically) deleted in Azure Active Directory.

IntraOrganizationConnectors and AvailabilityAddressSpace

The Hybrid Configuration Wizard created the IntraOrganizationConnectors (both in Exchange 2016 as well as Exchange Online) and configured the AvailabilityAddressSpace. There’s no need to create these, but you have to check them using the Get-IntraOrganizationConnector and the Get-AvailabilityAddressSpace commands)

Verify the OAuth configuration

To verify the OAuth configuration you can use the Test-OAuthConnectivity command. You must do this on the on-premises Exchange server and in Exchange Online.

On the on-premises Exchange server use the Exchange Online Uri and a mailbox on-premises:

Test-OAuthConnectivity -Service EWS -TargetUri https://outlook.office365.com/ews/exchange.asmx -Mailbox onprem-user@exchangeserver.com -Verbose | Format-List

In Exchange Online, use the Exchange on-premises Uri with a mailbox in Exchange Online:

Test-OAuthConnectivity -Service EWS -TargetUri https://webmail.exchangeserver.com/metadata/json/1 -Mailbox Online-User@exchangeserver.com -Verbose | Format-List

The output is an extended list, but in the end you should see ResultType: Success and IsValid:True on your console:


You have now configured the OAuth between Exchange Online and Exchange On-Premises.


Exchange 2013 Hybrid Configuration Wizard (Part II)

In my previous blog post I explained about an Exchange 2013 hybrid configuration, and what the prerequisites are for such a configuration and how to implement and configure one (or more) Exchange 2013 Hybrid servers.

In this blog post we’ll continue with the Hybrid Configuration and we will run the Hybrid Configuration Wizard (HCW) to actually create the Exchange 2013 Hybrid configuration.

Note. For simplicity I assume your Exchange 2013 is fully operational without any (certificate) issues on the Internet, which means you have configured all your Virtual Directories, Outlook Anywhere and Autodiscover. Everything must be working correctly to prevent any issues during configuration, possibly resulting in a misconfigured and not working hybrid configuration.

Run the Hybrid Configuration Wizard

Configuring Exchange 2013 is relatively easy and can be started from the Exchange Admin Center (EAC). The wizard that’s used here is known as the Hybrid Configuration Wizard (HCW) and in my experience a very stable (although there have been some glitches with the HCW in earlier CU’s of Exchange 2013) and efficient wizard, providing you have met all prerequisites of course.

Login to the Exchange 2013 Hybrid server and start the Exchange Admin Center locally. The reason for doing this locally on the server is that during the wizard some additional software needs to be installed for the OAuth part of the Hybrid configuration.

In the Exchange Admin Center in the navigation pane select hybrid. In the hybrid setup window click the enable button to initially enable the hybrid mode in your organization. The option My Office 365 organzation is hosted by 21Vianet should be left unchecked. Office 365 in China is hosted by 21Vianet so this option does not apply to us (unless you are in China and your organization is hosted by 21Vianet of course).


Continue reading Exchange 2013 Hybrid Configuration Wizard (Part II)